Sunday, June 3, 2012

Holy Trinity Sunday

Today is Trinity Sunday.  Father, Son and Holy Spirit.  Most people don't know that the church fought for years about this doctrine.  Hundreds of years. It is in fact the reason for the first split in 1054 between the Western Roman Catholic Church and the Eastern Orthodox Church.

The Trinity is one of those doctrines that you had better believe in if you are a Methodist Preacher.  It has always been a lynch pin of our protestant theology.

One of the difficult things about the concept of the Trinity is that it seems to put God in a box, in some way limiting him.  But on the other hand, one thing that I like about the Trinity is that we cannot adequately explain the concept, which makes me feel good.  There should be parts of God that we cannot explain.

So, we celebrate.  Father, Son and Holy Spirit.  Three in one.  Yet, we celebrate a God that is beyond our notions of him, beyond our grasp of him, even dare I say, described in Trinity, yet totally beyond Trinity.

It's a beautiful day in God's world, be sure to see the good.

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