Tuesday, June 19, 2012

the problem

I have a problem.  Maybe you have had one.  Maybe you have one now.  I can be a bit neurotic about my problems.  Maybe you can be too.  You know, recognizing that you are a bit neurotic about a problem is actually a huge step in the direction of resolution.  Ha ha.

Back to the problem.  What is easier to resolve, the problem itself, or my ego that insists things were different?  Well, since I can't change others, the problem ultimately is mine.  I cannot change what that person is doing.  So, can I change my apparent need to have them behave in a particular way?  Can I put them in God's hands?  Can I accept the fact, FACT that they are going to do and be what they please and that is theirs to do, not mine?

The problem is the ego in the room that wants it all just so.  I am the problem, but I am also the part of the equation that I can do something about.  I can let go.  I can let it go.  I can let God.  So can you.  The question is, will we?

It's a beautiful day in God's world, be sure to see the good.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Jeff, you've taught us well, to be sure to see the good. True to your explanation of what your daily blog posts are about, your posts are always full of honesty and transparency. The good is that you recognize and take ownership of your imperfections. You are not a person in denial who thinks others are the problem. Would that we all learn that.

You and God will get this one whipped some day, because of the desire of your heart. God loves you and he loves where your heart is.