Monday, March 11, 2013


I officiated at a wedding on Saturday night.  [this post is not about the Holy Land, because we are travelling today.] Anyway, I officated at a wedding on Saturday night.  Good folks.  I enjoy weddings a lot when I can tell that the bride and groom love each other.

Usually when the bride walks down the isle, I think of the bride and groom and true love.  I think of my own dear wife.  Saturday as the bride was walking down the isle, I thought for the first time about the father of the bride.  Here he is, walking his little girl down the isle.  I started to cry.  Although none of my children have weddings scheduled, they are probably on the horizon in the next few years.

I saw myself in this man's shoes.  I was both happy and sad.  What changes life brings to us!  It is also interesting how I made that moment about me.  We humans are so funny like that.

It's a beautiful day in God's world, be sure to see the good.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Because he loves so deeply, Jeff is just going to be a blubbering mess, when the time comes to give his beautiful daughters away, in marriage.

And speaking of romance, there's such a good picture of your old Red Bridge, in this morning's Star, along with a romantic story. I loved it that they threw the keys away.