There are many jokes that are made about how a pastor spends their time. A youngster at our church recently asked their mom, "what is pastor Jeff's other job?" Surely this pastor thing is only a part time gig. Hey, he only works one day a week and half a day at that.
Let me give you some insight into the life of most pastors.
Sundays are up early, worried in heart about how the sermon will go. Meeting people, trying to get this whole worship thing right. Meeting with someone after church. Getting home for a late lunch. A nap.
Yeah! Then later in the day, any number of things: a meeting on some program, a trip to the hospital, or a get together with someone who wants to talk.
Getting together with someone who wants to talk. I generally spend 15-20 hours a week with members who want to talk about something. Breakfasts, lunches, cups of coffee. Lots of time investing in people. It is actually the most rewarding part of what most pastors do.
Meetings with leaders and staff takes up lots of time. I would guess at least 10 hours per week. Planning, working on, visioning, encouraging.
Reading. Get some time in for reading. Find sermon illustrations. Learn new stories. Preparing for presentations. A class to teach, a class to visit. Someone has happened by the office and wants to talk. The Christian bookstore. My boss called and wants to talk to me about something. Drive to the district office. Prepare forms for the all church conference. Someone's marriage is on the rocks, they are on park 2. Someone needs financial help, they are on park 3. Review the financials from last month. Call someone who has been missing from church.
Staff retreat. Staff meeting. Worship meeting. Leadership meeting. Personnel Team. Team team. Men's bowling,
yeah! A respite. Go for a walk to think some things through. Work through a response to some issue. Go help at the Hillcrest store. Go visit with another pastor.
Answer emails 200 of them. Give projects to other staff. Design sermon series for the upcoming month. Encourage someone whose child does not believe. Prepare a sermon.
What? yes, prepare a sermon. Every Sunday, every week, almost anyway. For a pastor it seems like Sunday comes 3x per week.
Pray. Listen for the Holy Spirit. Work on your rough edges. Hug people. Meet them for chicken wings.
All in all, there are plenty of things for pastors to do that keep them busy. And I love this job, this calling, this life. Thanks for the opportunity!
It's a beautiful day in God's world, be sure to see the good.