Friday, February 20, 2015


I thought of a friend who works like a dog.  I admire people who work hard.  Nothing worthwhile in this life is accomplished without hard work.

I have watched people work at their job 50-60 hours per week,  take kids to baseball practice, take their wife to dinner, mow the grass, change the brakes on their car, balance the checkbook, help someone move, and show up at the car wash to help kids make money for their mission trip - all in the same week.

My dad had an old saying, which I now have officially adopted.  "Work first- play second."  Akin to this is a bit of advice that I love.  "Don't let your problems get in the way of success in life.  Get a job and hold a job.  Make a living and pay your bills.  You can then work on solving your problems on the nights and weekends."

To work and bring home a paycheck provides a person with a sense of accomplishment.  So, here's a toast to those who work.  To those who work hard.  You made us sweat and you made us sore, but we sure feel good at the end of the day.  Thanks for the meaning that you taught us.

It's a beautiful day in God's world, be sure to see the good.

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