Monday, April 13, 2015

K.E. 3

From Janet Smith:
When I first heard about the Kingdom Experiment class, I was immediately intrigued. I liked the idea of studying the beatitudes and selecting experiments that would bring them to life for me.
During the eight-week class, the other participants and I took an in-depth look at the beatitudes, selected interesting and varied experiments, and talked about what we experienced and learned. It was wonderful!
I loved the conversations and insights gained by reading about and discussing the beatitudes in depth. And the experiments were thought provoking, to say the least. What’s it like to take cold showers for a week or surprise Google Fiber workers with pizza or cookies? What happens when you really get to know the office night-time custodian? How does it feel to pray intentionally for the persecuted, the poor, and those who mourn? Why is it important to honor our sacred spaces? Am I peace-lover, or a peace-maker? I learned and gained insight from my own experiments (such as reaching out to that custodian), as well as the experiments of others (I wasn’t brave enough to take cold showers, but someone else in the class was!).
By reading The Kingdom Experience book, participating in weekly experiments, and (most of all!) being a part of the inspiring class discussions, I experienced important personal growth. My desire to help others and make a difference in the world has significantly intensified. And I have learned that by honoring God through the beatitudes, a pathway emerges that leads to great joy.

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