Saturday, April 25, 2015

Mother Teresa 2

Why do we revere Mother Teresa?

Some religious people insist that you do it their way.  She did not.
Some religious people make all sorts of moral absolutes and force them on others.  She did not.
Some religious people judge and condemn others.  She did not.
Some religious people read lots of books and learn all of the theology.  She did not.
Some religious people cover their cars with bumper stickers.  She did not.

Study is important.  Witness is important.  Values are important.  But there is a more excellent way.  The greatest gift is love.  If we don't love others, nothing else matters.  If we do not love others, we are missing the boat.  You can think you are totally right and actually be totally wrong. 

We revere Mother Teresa because she was an example of selfless love.  Her example inspires any who watch, to follow in her path, which is the path of Jesus Christ.

There are two roads in life.  Those who choose the path of love are always glad that they did.

It's a beautiful day in God's world, be sure to see the good.

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