Saturday, April 4, 2015

the invisible fence

I was thinking the other day about an invisible fence.  The kind of fence that keeps a dog in the yard.  No one can see the fence, but it keeps the dog in.

So it is also true of the invisible fence that we use to keep God contained.  We can't see it.  It is so ingrained in our paradigm that we can't see how we hold him back, but we do.

The dog in the yard, dreams to run free.  God, held back within our invisible fences, yearns to run free.  He yearns to take our brains to places we have never gone before.  He yearns to free us from our insistence on being right and teach us to fall headlong into his love.

How do your ideas about God keep you from experiencing Him?

It's a beautiful day in God's world, be sure to see the good.

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