Thursday, June 16, 2016

a very nice gift

I posted this on March 3, the day before the big parade.

I see a wall
I have this odd recurring dream. It may be a day dream.

I am in Florida at a new church and there is a blank wall or a bulletin board in my office that is filled up with things that I need to remember.  [then I included a list of such things.]

Here is the link to the entire March 3 post:

Well, the other day, someone brought this into the office at Cape Coral:

Oh my, when I got this picture from Adam Vernon, it made me cry.  Someone who wishes to remain anonymous, evidently read the post and made this.  How thoughtful!

Now I only have one problem.  How can I thank you if I don't know who you are?  Maybe you don't want the attention, I get that, but I want to tell you in person what this means to me.  Please come see me and confess when I get to town, and thank you so much!

It's a beautiful day in God's world be sure to see the good.

1 comment:

K-Mac said...

This is so awesome!