Sunday, July 10, 2022

OH NO!!!

OH NO!!!

I had been up for a couple of hours.  I decided it was time for breakfast.  In the past few months I have been loving the crunchy raisin bran and 2% milk.  Mmmm...

So to entertain myself, I turn on the news.  OH NO!!!  Flights are cancelled.  It is so tragic.  400 flights are cancelled!!!  Then I asked myself.  How many domestic flights are there each day in the US?


45,000?  Oh, wait, maybe it is not tragic.  That is less than 1% cancellations.  Sure it is tragic if it is a plane you are scheduled on, but hasn't that happened to all of us at one time or another?

This shouldn't even be in the news.  I get so tired of the media trying to keep people all worked up.  Why can't we all just enjoy our raisin bran and enjoy the day.

We can... and it begins with the choice to see the good.  Turn off the news.  Become good news to your neighbor.

It's a beautiful day in God's world, be sure to see the good.

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