Thursday, January 17, 2008

10:10 service

Do you attend the 10:10 service? You might have noticed that we are becoming a bit crowded at that hour. The last two weeks we have had over 500 people in that service. If we are going to continue to grow, we must make room for others. Would you consider attending the 9:05 or 11:15 service so that we still have room for new people? Would you be willing to sit it the choir loft at the 10:10 service? I don't mean the balcony, I mean the choir loft area. If we set the chapel up as an overflow area with the service on video, would you be willing to sit in the chapel at 10:10?

Gosh, these are painful requests. Winning people to Jesus Christ and the church certainly invites us to leave our comfort zone.

So, if you attend 10:10, please begin praying about what you can do to make room for others.

It's a beautiful day in God's world, be sure to see the good.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We have always attended the 9:05 service, so we can't really help here. However, what an awesome problem to have! I love seeing others discover what discovered only a couple of years ago: a loving, accepting pastor and congregation that continually strives to get it right, and connect others to the love of Jesus. Thanks, Jeff, for being such a good leader in this endeavor.