Sunday, January 27, 2008


It's the best policy, but how good are we at being honest? I think sometimes it is real easy for we adults to dance around the truth with our family and with our children. Certainly we are not very good at being honest with ourselves. When we are less than truthful, we enable the cycles of dysfunction. When we tell the truth, we begin the process of becoming whole. Think of the changes that we might make in our lives if we only asked ourselves the hard questions. Change is hard, so we often avoid self inventory at all costs.

Yesterday I was a referee for Upwards basketball, 1-2nd grades. Several times the ball went out of bounds. I was on the other side of the court and could not tell who the ball went off of. So I just scooted over to the kids and asked them....."did the ball go out off of your foot?" Almost religiously, the kids would tell me exactly what happened. It was awesome. I told them thank you for telling the truth.

We have good kids at WCC. Excellent kids. Their parents and Sunday school teachers have been doing a great job. I know that kids can be kids, but I saw the best of their heart yesterday.

Who ever would enter the kingdom of heaven must become as a little child.

Honesty. With others and with ourselves. With God. It is the best policy.

It's a beautiful day in God's world, be sure to see the good.

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