Sunday, September 26, 2010


If you have a kid in range, hug them.

I know everyone's home wasn't this way. Mine wasn't when I was growing up. Maybe yours wasn't and isn't now, but i think a home should be this way.

Home. It is the place where you are always welcome. It is the place where you are loved without conditions and without manipulation. When you are home, whatever we have, we freely share with you. We pray for you. We encourage you.

At home, no one is keeping track of hurts. Everyday is a new day. At home there is a bond that will never go away. there is a welcome and a glad to see you that you get no where else in the world.

Home is a good place. Maybe that's why the word sounds so good. The word home even smells good. I smell Christmas cookies and roast beef. I smell cut grass and a dog that needs a haircut. We can offer you a home but we cannot force you to take it. But it is here for you, waiting patiently with hopes and prayers.

It's a beautiful day in God's world be sure to see the good.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Beautiful, as well as touching to know how deep within the heart this message originates. Most houses have one welcome matt in front of the front door. You have described a home where there's not one, but several welcome mats (one with each family member's name on it.)