Monday, April 2, 2012


I am an introvert by nature.  People laugh when I say that, but it is true.  I test out in all of the behavioral tests as an introvert.  I am an introvert in and extrovert’s world, in a career, a calling where contact with a lot of people is a must.  

Top ten signs that I am an introvert.

1.    I tend to be annoyed by loud, gregarious people.
2.    By nature I shy away from conflict
3.    I prefer a group of 3-4 to a larger group.
4.    I am renewed by time alone.  Peace and quiet is a blessing to me.
5.    I am generally not interested in special attention or accolades.
6.    My favorite part of the spiritual life is prayer
7.    My hobbies are all things that I can do alone
8.    Crowds make me nervous
9.    I don’t care for long meetings
10.   I prefer to be alone in an elevator

I don’t know why anyone would care about any of that, but it is a beautiful day in God’s world, be sure to see the good.


Anonymous said...

I get that - INTJ to the core myself. For a perspective that celebrates the introvert I recommend Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can't Stop Talking by Susan Cain. She explains why introversion is strength, not something we must change.

Anonymous said...

You nailed the Top Ten Signs of an Introvert. I love the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator and have been an administrator of this instrument for over a decade. Powerful tool for helping people understand each other personally and professionally.
ESTJ Spoken Here