Wednesday, April 18, 2012

when something takes over your life

You are going along pretty well and then it happens.  Some bad news.  Some painful thing.  And it takes over your entire life.  All of a sudden it dominates your thinking, interrupting your day and keeping you awake at night.

We suffer and we cry out to God for relief.  Recently I have felt this way about the case of poison ivy that I have contracted.  It is so itchy and irritating that I think about it all the time.  Then I remember that it is only poison ivy.  Why should I let such a thing ruin my day, my week, my life?

Then I get to thinking about some of the other things that get stuck in my mind.  Worrying about the church.  Worrying about my children.  Worrying about our country.  And I realize they are all the same.  I should not let any of this stuff get in the way of the chance that I have today to live for our Father.

Nothing is so big that is should push my thoughts away from Him.  Even in our darkest moments, he is still our hope and our light.

It's a beautiful day in God's world, be sure to see the good.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

ouchee. Sorry about the poison ivy. We sure hope it gets better soon.