Wednesday, February 12, 2014

2nd mile

To go the second mile is to do something for someone that you are not required to do.  It is to help someone when you are not obligated to do so.  Probably all of us have gone the second mile for another.

But, have you ever gone the second mile, and then complained about it?  Have you been a bit annoyed that you had to help that person?  I just have to say it, I don't think it counts as obeying Jesus when we go the second mile but have a bad attitude about doing so.

Somewhere part of the goodness of the event isn't just the going of the mile, but the attitude with which I go the second mile.  The gift isn't just the favor done, but the heart that is shown along the way.

It's a beautiful day in God's world, and when we have the opportunity to go the second mile, Lord may we do it with grace.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This morning I'm thinking of all your inspiring blog posts as something of a daily spiritual workout.

Today's is stretching and toning. Thanks for helping us stretch.