Thursday, February 27, 2014


I miss my kids.  I had to tell someone.  I looked forward to being an empty nester, and now I miss them.  I blinked and they grew up.  I don't think I would turn back time.  Last time I checked, you can't.  But, sometimes, I miss them.  I miss talking to them and listening to them and hugging them and watching them.

I love them.  One is in Chicago, one in Orlando, and the third is here in town, but travels every week.

I am sure this is a stage that I need to adjust to.  I don't want to guilt them into moving back or coming over all the time, but I just miss them.  I think missing someone is a residual of love.  I am glad that they are not gone for good.  They are pretty special kids.

I thank God for the chance to miss someone or some thing or some time or some place.  It means that we loved them.  And in this life, to love someone or something is an amazing and wonderful gift.

It's a beautiful day in God's world, be sure to see the good.

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