Thursday, May 8, 2014

I need to grow up

When I was 20, I needed to grow up.  I needed to stop blaming my parents.  I needed to work and pay my own bills.  I needed to stop complaining and take responsibility for my life.

Now I am 56.  I still need to grow up.  I need to stop worrying about my kids.  If they live in Chicago or Lees Summit, that is their choice, not mine.  If they make a little money or a lot, that is their choice.  If they pay their bills, if they go deep into debt, if they don't get married and I don't get to have grandchildren, those are all their choices not mine.

Some people drive themselves crazy worrying over their kids and grand kids.  It is crazy for me to waste my life worrying about their lives, their choices, their future.  After all, they are not my choices to make, they are their choices.  It's a free country and they are free to make their own choices.

I am still working on this.  I am still trying to grow up.  Am I alone out there?

It's a beautiful day in God's world, be sure to see the good.


Anonymous said...

My father-in-law used to say "you need to teach your kids everything you plan to, by the time they are 16. After that age they usually don't listen.

You and Kathy have raised great kids. They'll be back.

Anonymous said...

And another thought came to mind when I read this morning's post.

Young people now are flocking to urban areas in big cities like New York, Chicago, and L.A. If I can see one thing in the lifestyles they choose, it's learning to live with less "stuff."

In our generation the "dream" was to have jobs that would allow us to buy relaltively big houses, and fill them with lots of "stuff" while raising families. And guess what. When we die we tend to leave all that "stuff" for kids to clean out.

Kids in the big cities today live in lofts/condos in the down towns; have no room to accumulate stuff; don't need a car to get around; and tend to make their lives about people. Sometimes they pick up some bad social habits along the way, but I tend to give them kudos for forgoing big suburbian houses filled with "stuff."