Sunday, October 12, 2014


I keep running into people who think that life should be problem free.  I have to cut them some slack because I used to think that way as well.

Here is the truth.  If you live long enough, you will have to deal with being a teenager.  Dating, acne and all of that.  If you live long enough, you will have to deal with being an adult.  Yikes.  Somewhere along the line, you will upset your parents.  Then you will have kids.  Maybe.  If you do, they won't be perfect.  You will vacillate between joy and feeling like a failure. 

Then they will graduate and go to college - or not.  Then they will move out.  Then they will want to move back in.  You will look back on your life and wonder if it is possible for you to go home and be a child again. 

Here is the good news..... along the way, through the ups and downs, God is with us.  We are not alone.  Remember to love others and keep trying to do the right things -  and God is with us.  That brings a smile to my face.  He is the heartbeat of a life, he is the foundation of the house, he is the core of the philosophy.  When everything else seems fleeting, we can depend on our Father.  You can lean on him.

It's a beautiful day in God's world, be sure to see the good.

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