Tuesday, October 21, 2014

to bad mouth

One of my least favorite things in this life is when someone needs to bad mouth another person.  It is not necessary and it pollutes the air.

If you don't agree with the President, who ever it is, that is fine.  Don't say hateful things about him or her.  Don't make it personal.

If you don't like your boss, if you don't like the coach of the team, if you don't like the teacher, if you don't like the pastor [imagine that], if you don't like the author, that is all fine.  You don't have to like everything that a person says or does.  You don't have to like what they stand for. 

But it adds nothing to the day when we use our God given mouths to slam someone.  You can disagree and be civil.  It does not have to be hurtful. 

Hurtful speech hurts both those who hear it and those who deliver it.  Gracious speech on the other hand, is good for the soul.  Offer your mouth to praise.  It will lift your soul.

It's a beautiful day in God's world, be sure to see the good.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good post. Reminds me of the Bible verse Colossians 4:6, which admonishes us to let our speech be full of grace.

And extending grace is what shows the world who Jesus is.