Wednesday, June 24, 2015


Insecurities run rampant.  I don't like how I look so I dye my hair, I get hair implants, I have plastic surgery.  I can't wear the same outfit again.  I must have a new, fresh and flashy look at all times.  I must drive a cool car, I must be seen on the outside to be hip and together.

And on the inside, person after person that I meet is hiding behind a curtain of insecurity.  How sad.  How very very sad.  Oh, if you knew how much God loves you!  Oh, if you knew how beautiful he thinks you are!

We need to think less about what others think of us and more about what God thinks of us.  We are loved and accepted into the household of faith.

It's a beautiful day in God's world, be sure to see the good.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

To repeat a thought from awhile back. If you find your security in Jesus, it isn't necessary to look to others for validation. But again, that takes a lot of growing spiritually

Good post.