Saturday, March 26, 2016

Black Saturday

If the name Good Friday seems like two words that don't go together very well, Black Saturday seems like a perfect fit.

We don't know anything from Scripture about Black Saturday, except that Jesus was in the grave.

I wonder what that day was like. In my pondering, this is what I imagine: The sun may be shining, but that is about all. There is not a stitch of wind. The world is eerily quiet. Not a bird utters a peep. They don't even fly, they just sit on their nests and wonder what is happening in the world. No insects buzzing. All of creation has stopped.   There is something in the equilibrium of the world that has been disturbed.

Humans that venture out, notice that there is something very different about this day. They remember that the sky turned black for three hours yesterday afternoon and they wonder if there is a connection. Those that witnessed the crucifixion may be wondering if they didn't participate in a huge mistake. What has happened to the world?

No fish will bite. The ocean currents have stopped. There are no tides, no waves, the sea is perfectly calm. It looks like you could almost just walk right off of the beach and out onto the water. If there are clouds in the sky, since there is no wind, they do not move. The sky is the same all day, as if painted there.

The world is broken. Something is wrong. All creation has been put on pause. Jesus is in the grave.  The creation waits in anticipation for it the revelation of restoration.  Romans 8:19
Black Saturday.

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