Wednesday, April 6, 2011

I've heard it

Someone said, "I've heard it all before. I have been in church so long, that I have heard all of the stories about God and Jesus. Nothing is new to me anymore."

And to this I say, it is important to hear the stories over and over. We humans have short memories. And we humans can get very calloused very quickly. Over time, questions and doubts come in. It is important to listen to the stories at least as much if not more than we listen to our doubts. To hear the story again is to savor it, to welcome it, to let it speak to you yet once more.

Yes you may have heard it all, but is thy heart still open to the message? I pray ye my friends, incline thine ear, open thine heart and lets the words of old speak to you afresh in this day.

It's a beautiful day in God's world, be sure to see the good.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Amen! How many times will I watch a favorite movie or TV rerun and not think a thing of it. So bring on the reruns in church!! Familiar message, renewed enthusiasm, refreshed faith!