Wednesday, April 13, 2011

on being a Methodist

Several people ask about what it means to be a Methodist.  This can be a complicated question, because there are so many Methodists that you don't always get the same answer.  Also, since so many denominations are so defined by one particular thing, they expect the same sort of "one thing" from the Methodists, and this is harder to pin down.  God is mysterious and cannot be forced into a box.  I would expect that his followers should stop trying to do so.

Methodists are open.  There is no creed to sign on to.  We expect Methodists to believe in the essentials of faith, but everyone is welcome in our churches.  There is no litmus test that decides who is in and who is out.  Everyone is welcome, even non believers.  If we don't welcome them, where will they find Christ?

Some denominations are all about baptism or salvation.  Methodists believe that baptism is primarily about God's actions not ours.  Methodists are also not hung up on one method of baptism or another, as if God were going to catch you on a technicality.  {welcome to heaven.  Oh, you were baptized wrong.  Never mind, you must go to hell.}  Methodists believe that you are baptized into Christ.  We accept and honor all Christian baptism.  Methodists are for salvation, but we will not force it upon you or guilt you into it.  We want to give you the opportunity to choose Jesus in a way that honors your free will.

Methodist are big on grace and love.  That is because God is big on grace and love.  This is not to sugar coat the scriptures.  These concepts are the central themes of the Scriptures.  To make Christianity into a heavy, burdensome system of who the good ones are, and who the bad one's are is to pervert the gospel.  The gospel is good news.  Methodists are for love and grace because God is love.

Methodists historically are mission minded.  "No one is saved by good works, but no one will be saved without them" - John Wesley.  The Christian life is to be lived, not talked about.  We are here to give ourselves away in the name of Jesus.

So to sum it up.
Methodists = yes on welcome.  yes on inclusiveness.  yes on honest dialogue about faith.  yes on different ideas.  yes on grace.  no on human doctrinal spins that hurt and manipulate people.  Yes on love.  yes on missions.  Yes on Jesus.  Yes on God.  Love wins.

It's a beautiful day in God's world, be sure to see the good.


Anonymous said...

mmmmm . . . it's a great feeling! Thanks for summing it up so nicely.

Anonymous said...

Thank you! Having been raised in a more "legalistic" religious environment I enjoy seeing this reminder.