Monday, April 4, 2011

the kingdom

Religion makes people sad. Rules upon rules. Manipulation upon manipulation. You are in, they are out, they are in, you are out. Be good. Be better. What is wrong with you? God hates sin. You are not good enough. Try harder or you might go to hell.

The kingdom message on the other hand, makes people happy. The message of the kingdom falls upon the ears of humans with a joy that is truly splendid. "God loves you! Your sin is forgiven. Jesus has made the way. Live in gloom no more! Share the joy. Release your worries, cast your cares upon him. Live each moment in God's love."

This is the message of the kingdom. Which message are you listening to? It may have a bearing on how you are experiencing this life that God has given us.

It's a beautiful day in God's world, be sure to see the good.

1 comment:

Sharon said...

Door #2 please...the door when knocked upon, is always opened. ; )