Saturday, May 7, 2011

pretty exciting

Rejoice with me!  Today, my second child, Jennifer, graduates from CMSU - Central Missouri State University [Warrensburg] with a degree in Bio-medical research.  She hopes to work in a lab or in clinical research.

I can not explain how excited we are!  In my entire life, there may be no greater joy than to help a child grow up and get a college degree.  I am one proud papa!

She joins her sister Allison, who graduated in December with a BS in Nursing.  Alli is a nurse at St Luke's East. 

Now if little sister can just land a job.
It's a beautiful day in God's world, be sure to see the good.


JanW said...

That's awesome Jeff! Congrats and good wishes to all!

Anonymous said...

Please give our best to Jennifer. Said this before. Will say it again. You and Cathy have done a bang up job of parenting. So proud for your family.

God already knows where Jennifer's job is. He just hasn't shared the specifics with her yet. He will.

Anonymous said...

Please give our best to Jennifer. Said this before. Will say it again. You and Cathy have done a bang up job of parenting. So proud for your family.

God already knows where Jennifer's job is. He just hasn't shared the specifics with her yet. He will.

Anonymous said...

many congrats! very exciting