Tuesday, September 27, 2011

God's moon

Did you see the moon the other morning?  How does God do that?  It is like he hung a ping pong ball in front of it.  I am sure that there is some scientific  explanation, but I don't remember what it is. 

A really clear night.  The shadow of the earth against it maybe?  I don't know, but is sure was beautiful.  I hope you got to see it. 

What will you see today that is spectacularly beautiful?

It's a beautiful day in God's world, be sure to see the good.

1 comment:

Sharon said...

That is so awesome!! I did miss it, but thank you for posting the picture. I took a picture while I was driving home (yes, while I was driving) on Saturday. The sky was the most beautiful blue and just full of the fluffiest looking mounds of clouds--exactly the way a litle child might have drawn or painted it. It was so beautiful. One of God's gifts to me has been the ability to appreciate the world He created and everything in it. It's not hard to do, but so many people just take it all for granted. Their loss for sure.
I bought a pop-up camper last year and there's just nothing like spending time outdoors in weather like we're having now and viewing the star filled sky through a flimsy screen--seeing a moon like this would have been just awesome.