Sunday, September 11, 2011

the good part

I know that today is the ten year anniversary of 9-11.  I am intentionally not writing about it, because I do not want the rest of our lives to be dominated by an act of hatred.  With that said, I offer today's post:

Sometimes in life there is the hard part, and then there is the good part.  The good part is what comes as a result of your hard work.  We have to remember during the hard times, that the good part is coming.  I always tried to teach my kids – work first, play second.

And so, we go on a long drive to arrive somewhere.  We save money to make a purchase, and then we enjoy it, debt free.  We struggle through college, and get a degree.  We dig a hole to plant a tree, and then sit in the shade.

Almost every good part has a hard part that comes with it.  You can’t have one without the other.  That is what makes the good part the good part.  The moment of rest that you come to when you know your labor is done,  and it was worth it.  Savor the good moments, they are the fruit of your labor.

It’s a beautiful day in God’s world, be sure to see the good.


Anonymous said...

And today, I am having a hard time hearing the birds singing in my world . . . but I know tomorrow will be better and I will hear them singing again.

mhaskamp said...

Love this. Check out Nichole Nordeman's version of your post: