Monday, September 12, 2011

the hard part

Yesterday I wrote about the good part.  I think I inadvertently shortchanged the hard part.  Think about it – life is a journey, not a destination.  The good parts are good, but the hard parts are good too.  Sure, it was hard to save the money, but doesn’t it feel good to engage yourself in something that matters?  Sure it was hard to dig the hole for that tree, but doesn’t if feel good to sweat?  And the long drive to the vacation spot – isn’t there some beautiful scenery along the way?

We will always enjoy the good parts of life.  I hope that we get better at enjoying the hard parts of life, because they are part of life too.  Who would want to lay on their death bed and not know what it was like to put in 50 hours a week for forty years?  In some ways, in many ways yet undiscovered, the hard parts too, are the good parts of life.

It’s a beautiful day in God’s world, be sure to see the good.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Jeff, in a relative sort of way, I read a statement recently, in a book whose author I admire. This help put some good/tough things in perspective, and really gave me something historical to ponder.

The author said "peace doesn't last forever, but neither does war."