Monday, December 19, 2011

the problem with preachers

Actually there are several problems with preachers.  Today I want to address one of them. 

When the preacher stands to preach there is the temptation to take it all in without question.  There is the possibility that we begin to see this person as the source.  They can almost become an intermediary for us.  We can begin to live our spiritual lives through the lens of this person.

Just like a parent or a grandparent who watches the child play baseball.  We cheer, we yell, we can almost feel ourselves sliding into second base, when in fact we are sitting in the stands.  With great determination we support and defend our kids in sports, as if we were defending ourselves.  Again the problem is that we are not on the field.

So back to church.  Is it possible for someone to live their spiritual life through the stories of their pastor?  Is it possible that we have done this for so long that we don't even realize that we are in the audience and not in the game?  Does it help that some pastors love this kind of attention and adoration?

How about a pastor who points you not to him or herself, but to the Source.  How about a pastor who insists that you get out of the pew, off the bench, and into the game.  How about a pastor who is willing to make you mad and risk the relationship you have with them, if that's what it takes to get you in the game?

Christianity is participatory.  There are no observers.  May we all get out into the dance of life and create our own experiences with our Father.  When we do this, we become a disciple.  We become a part of the story, and we help the pastor find his or her rightful place as a fellow sojourner, a co-worker in the kingdom.

One preacher problem solved.

It's a beautiful day in God's world, be sure to see the good.


Anonymous said...

Good post. I like to think of Jeff as my "perspective" pastor. The things you share keep us pointed to the healthy meaning of a relationship with God.

Another interesting analogy, coming off of Sunday football is a coach. Every good leader has a coaching responsibility. As such, how interesting that he/she coaches people who are in the game and on the field playing the game. Otherwise, without players getting out on the field, there would be no game.

Anonymous said...

I am so guilty of this ... hadn't really realized it until now. Thanks for writing so eloquently and saying the truth. I am going to make some changes and get out of the pew.