Thursday, July 12, 2012


Last Thursday was my birthday.  It was a remarkably good day and I thank you all for it.  I ask myself, why this was such a good day?, and I have come upon something interesting.

I had absolutely no expectations, zero expectations about my birthday.  So, when I came to work and my office was decorated, it was a nice surprise.  I didn't expect any cards or gifts.  A few came in.  I wasn't thinking that I would receive calls or texts.  I received many.  I had no thought for facebook, but I received many good wishes.

Thank you all.  And I am wondering about the role of expectations.  When we really think that we deserve something, maybe it is easy for us to be disappointed.  But, when we are not expecting anything amazing, that is when we can be pleasantly surprised.

When I demand things from God or others, it never works out very well, but when I live and love and let live, then any moments of joy are just that.

It's a beautiful day in God's world, be sure to see the good.

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