Monday, July 15, 2013


Facebook warning:  I am not a good facebook person.  Please do not try to email me on facebook or expect me to participate in facebook things.  It is too much for my brain and I am not interested in my phone being blown up with all of the silly things that are sometimes posted by my friends.

I will check facebook from time to time, but I rarely post anything there.  Consequently, I miss parties that I am invited to, I don't reply to email in a timely manner from facebook, and I am often out of the loop on things that people think that I should know about.

If you want me to know something, please email my church account at
I am sorry, but sometimes it is hard to teach an old dog new tricks.  With writing a sermon every week, writing a weekly radio show, writing a monthly article from the newsletter and a daily blog, my brain is not going to take on facebook.

In fact, I find some of the electronica that has been added to our lives in the last 20 years detrimental to life.  I used to go out to dinner with my family.  Now I go out to dinner with my family and they are all texting on their phones.  I used to stand in the line at the supermarket and be friendly with people.  Now I stand in the supermarket line and listen to them talk on the phone.  Elevators used to be a sanctuary for introverts.  Not any more.  Before email, I used to talk with people in person or on the phone.

Not all technology is good for people.  I for one am reserving some time for the good old life.

It's a beautiful day in God's world, be sure to see the good.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Amen. Amen. Amen. So glad God gives us a brain to make choices, so we don't feel compelled to embrace everything that comes along.

We are good stewards of not only our money, but our time, and our relationships. May people's brains notch it up a little and talk to real people about really important stuff.

So glad you posted this. I've made my choice, and it's un-social media.