Monday, May 18, 2015


When we hear the word investment, we usually think of money.  You put a little bit in, add some along the way, and after a while there is a return on your investment.

The most important investments that we make in this life, are not investments in stocks or bonds, but investments in people.  All around you are folks that can benefit from you.  Whether you buy them lunch, give them advice, give them a ride, or simply smile and say hello, every encounter with another person is a chance to invest in them.

We feel good when we invest in others.  It is part of why we are here on this earth.  Don't miss a chance to reach out to others.  You just might make some one's day.  You just might influence their life for the better.  And how cool is that?

It's a beautiful day in God's world, be sure to see the good.

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