Friday, May 15, 2015


I keep thinking about this, so I am going to keep writing about it.

American Christians think that becoming more spiritual means learning more.  Learn more, know more, add more.

What if spirituality is first discovered by unlearning what we mislearned in the past.  Our minds are so filled with junk that is irrelevant to spirituality.  For us to begin again, we must subtract some things that were drilled into us as kids.  We must come to faith with an open mind, as a child.

What if every denomination subtracted all of the particulars that they fight about?  What if all we had left was the simple message: God so loved the world?  We have made it so complicated - and it is so simple. 

Subtract the dogma and we end up with love.  There is nothing else.

It's a beautiful day in God's world, be sure to see the good.

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