Friday, January 15, 2016


One of the words that I think we like, but non-churched people do not get is the word "disciple."  The missions statement of the general United Methodist Church is "making disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world."

In my opinion, random folks on the street, unchurched and marginally churched people have no idea what we are talking about.  Shame on us.

I woke up the other night thinking about this.  Now that is weird isn't it?  I should be thinking of sleepy meadows in the middle of the night but no, I woke up thinking about this.

Here is my middle of the  night train of thought-

  • A disciple is a follower of Jesus.
  • One who follows is going somewhere.
  • So, a disciple of Jesus goes where Jesus went and does what Jesus did.

That means for us, that if we are going to be disciples, I mean followers of Jesus, we need to go out to the marginalized.  We need to find the needy, the lost, the sick and the lame.  We need to spend some time with the lonely, the frightened, and those who are not on society's A list.  And it means that when we find those folks, we need to do what Jesus did.  We need to love them, hug them, forgive them, value them, heal them, and on it goes.

Here is the good news.  You don't have to go down and look under a bridge for such people.  Right in your office, right in your church, at your family reunion, maybe in your own home, maybe in your own skin, you can find people who are marginalized and hurt.  Love them and bless them- do what Jesus did.

That is when we become true disciples, I mean followers, of Jesus.  And friend, let me tell you, the world is waiting with open arms for people that will love as Jesus loved.

It's a beautiful day in God's world, be sure to see the good.

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