Friday, January 28, 2022


Welcome to the town of disappointment, please don't stay too long.

I have realized something recently that is a bit troubling to me.

In my lifetime, I have disappointed a lot of people.  Members that needed me and I was not there for them.   Moving from one church to the next.  When I moved from Princeton/Mercer to Woods Chapel, I disappointed some members.  When I moved from Woods Chapel to Cape Coral, I disappointed a lot of members.  When I left Cape Coral after six months, I disappointed some of the folks there.  When I quit Ft. Pierce First, I disappointed some folks.

I hate disappointing people.  I love you all and I want to make everyone in the world happy.  Impossible, I know, but I still want to bless people.

There is an old saying, "everyone's behavior makes sense if you have enough information."  So here is some of the backstory.

When I left Princeton/Mercer, I had the chance to move back to my home town, to get my kids near their Grandparents and to make an important career move.  Even pastors make career moves.  I think most everyone understood all of that, but still, some were disappointed.

When I left Woods Chapel after 22 years, I was trying to get my family back together.  I think everyone understood that, but still, some were disappointed.

When I left Cape Coral, I was near a mental breakdown.  I was as low as I have ever been in my life.  There are/were reasons for this that I was never able to explain... no, I chose not to explain the reasons.  A few people were ecstatic that I was leaving, some were disappointed.  I am sorry that I disappointed you guys.

When I quit First UMC Ft. Pierce, there were reasons for this.  I could not continue.  It had nothing to do with the members.  I loved the members and I still do.  For that matter, I have loved the members at every church I have ever served.

My point here is simply to say that I had real, important reasons for every move that I have had to make in my life.  I am sorry that some of my decisions disappointed some of you.  I am sorry that I was too busy.  I am sorry that I was often lost in my own "stuff."  But on the good side of that, when you disappoint someone, it means that they care about you and they wanted you to hang around and be there.

Be there for everyone that you can, for as long as you can.

It's a beautiful day in God's world, be sure to see the good.
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I am leading a River Cruise to Belgium and the Netherlands March 19-27, 2022. If you are interested in reading about the trip or joining in, the link is below.

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