Friday, January 14, 2022

Young people and church

There is a lovely scene in the movie Sister Act where young people, dressed young, with piercings and tattoos open the back door of the church.   They have heard the new, heartwarming music and they want to come in.  Imagine that!!! Young people want to come into church.  Anyway, there is the beautiful moment where the priest, played by Joseph Maher, sees the young people open the door.  He goes to the pulpit and beckons them to enter.

Young people are opting out of church these days. There are understandable reasons for this.

What young people want in a church
  • Everyone is accepted. Period.
  • A focus on the value of a person not on their appearance or behavior.
  • An eclectic openness to all people
  • Worship times that are not on Sunday morning
  • Sermons that make you think
  • A non-defensive atmosphere
  • An openness to new ideas
What young people find in church:
  • Old ways
  • Old ideas
  • Old songs
  • Closed and narrow minds
  • Judgment
  • Shame
  • Power structures
  • You’re sitting in my pew
  • A focus on money

If we want to win young people to church, the church needs to change it's ways.  Let's stop blaming the young people.

It's a beautiful day in God's world, be sure to see the good.
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I am leading a River Cruise to Belgium and the Netherlands March 19-27, 2022. If you are interested in reading about the trip or joining in, the link is below.

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