Wednesday, January 18, 2023

I can never catch a break

I was checking out in the self service kiosk at Walmart...  No I did not have more than 10 items!!!  A man at another checkout evidently encountered a problem.  I overheard him say, "I can never catch a break."

I thought about that...  We are more apt to see what  is wrong, then to see what is right.  Can't catch a break?  He was basically a healthy person.  Standing up, seeing with his eyes, fluent in his language, and normal looking.  His shopping cart included all four food groups and more.

And you can't catch a break?

We need to be happy for the small things.

I woke up.  I can see.  The roof leak is over the garage, not the kitchen.  My family is speaking to me.  I have a few friends.  I can hear.  My car starts [the truck is out of commission, but the car starts.]  I have a college degree.  My friend came to town for a visit.

I can't catch a break?  Sounds like I have caught lots of breaks.

May we stop asking what is wrong and focus instead on what is right.

It's a beautiful day in God's world, be sure to see the good.  And there is a lot of it out there. 

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