Wednesday, July 3, 2024

I am such bad luck

If you see me in the grocery store, in a line, pick another one.  I always pick the slowest lines.

And I have noticed that if I like something too much, I lose it.  I loved this car that I had in 1983, and I totaled it out.

I had a favorite hat.  I lost it.  I had a favorite key chain.  No one knows where it went.

A few days ago, I lost my favorite shirt.  I guess it is probably in a hotel room in Chattanooga, Tennessee.  I had another favorite shirt that I lost on the last Holy Land trip.  UGH!!!

I shouldn't get so attached to things.  They tend to leave me.  And I think that there is a lesson here... things come and things go... love people more than things.

It's a beautiful day in God's world, be sure to see the good.

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