Saturday, July 13, 2024

thumbs down

From time to time I run across pictures of family or friends that I really like.  I often forward the pictures to them.

Recently, I got a "thumbs down" response to a picture that I sent.  Hmm.  I thought, my friend does not like that picture of them.

Do you ever look in the mirror and see a list of things that you do not like about yourself?

My calves are too big.  I would be the first on a cannibals list.  My face is sagging.  I have scars all over the top of my head, which you can see since my hair ran away from home.  My teeth are not pretty and white.  My midsection has lost it's six pack.  My nose is too big, and it is only getting bigger.  I have a massive scar on my abdomen from a botched gall bladder surgery.  When I take off my shirt, people turn their heads away.

On and on this discussion could go.  But, there is nothing constructive about such discussions.  And, the people that love you don't want to hear it.  They want you to feel good about yourself even if you aren't perfect.  The things that you see that are "wrong" with you, no one else sees.

There is nothing wrong with you!!!

I am friends with my friends because they are beautiful people.  I want them to see themselves as beautiful people too.  After all, isn't that how the good Lord sees us?

It's a beautiful day in God's world, be sure to see the good.

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