Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Friends in Nicaragua

This week I have friends in Nicaragua.  I worry about them.  

Funny, I visited there four or five times.  When I visited there, I never worried about me.  But I worry about them now...

I want them to share the love with the people in the village.  I want them to be renewed.  I want them to have great stories to tell.  I want them to feel invigorated.

But most of all, since it is all about me, I want them to come home.  Come home and tell me that you are safe.  Come home and tell me that we can meet up at the Mexican restaurant again.

We humans are so funny.  I keep finding ways to make it about me.  

Dear friends... thank you for your mission work in Nicaragua.  Come home soon and come home safe.  Bring home some great stories.

It's a beautiful day in God's world, be sure to see the good.

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