Tuesday, July 16, 2024

more on elevator etiquette

One of my pet peeves is bad elevator etiquette.  Read thru the old rules and wait for the new at the end.

Oh my gosh.... I have posted about this in the past.

When it comes to elevators, some people have not been trained in proper etiquette.

When waiting for an elevator, one should stand to the side to give room for those who will be exiting the elevator. The elevator should not be entered until everyone on it that wishes to leave has done so.

When waiting for, and boarding an elevator, pay attention to the line... do not cut in front of others who were there before you.

When you board the elevator, move to the back so that others can board as well. If you find yourself on a crowded elevator and you are by the door, step off when the door opens so that others can get off easily, then step back on.

Never talk on your cell phone on an elevator.

And so I had an experience last week that taught me a new rule for elevators.  Here is the story.

I push the button.  I am waiting for the elevator.  I am on the first floor so in theory, everyone on the elevator will want to get off.

The door opens.  There are two people on it.  A young man and a young woman.  The door opens.  I am waiting for them to exit the elevator, but they do not move.  They are both engrossed in texting or instagraming on their phones.  I wait.  I wait.  I wait.  The door starts to close.  I stick my hand in to stop the door from closing.  I ask them if they want to get off the elevator.

Oh, my yes.  Thank you. The guy said.

Stay off of your phone when on an elevator.  Think of others, please.

It's a beautiful day in God's world, be sure to see the good.

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