Thursday, April 4, 2024

I lost my phone

So last night I picked up Pizza's at Fun House Pizza.  I was about two blocks away from the store and I realized that I did not have my phone.  I must have left it at the Pizza Shop.  But, who knows, maybe it is in the truck somewhere.  Anyway, I need to get these warm Pizzas to my friends home.

I arrive at their home and have them call my phone.  It is not in the truck.  We call the Pizza place.  They say that they don't have it.

Now I start to worry.  What if someone has my phone.  I guess if you were technical enough, you could access a lot of passwords and personal information.  And I have a lot of music on that phone that I really enjoy.  What a pain to have to call ATT and get it shut down.

So we drive back to the pizza joint.  Again, they reiterate, they do not have it.  I retrace my steps.  No it is not in the bathroom.

We decide to try a trick.  My friend calls my phone, and I wander slowly past all the tables.  My phone's ring is a duck quacking, so we would hear it.  Around the restaurant we go... no ducks, no phone theives.

Ugh.  We go outside to leave.  My friend decides that maybe someone just took it and threw it.  So he calls it again.  And... I hear quacking... faint, but I hear it.  Now I follow the sound.

Low and behold, there it is.  Laying in the parking lot by where I had parked earlier.  I guess that it had fallen out of my pocket, hit the ground, and I did not notice.

The moral of this story is that we should pay more attention to every movement of life.  They all matter.

It's a beautiful day in God's world, be sure to see the good.

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