Wednesday, February 11, 2009


Blah. Do you ever feel "blah?" Not good, not bad, well, just blah. I hate to admit it because I know that someone will read this and tell me to see the good. And they should.

But the fact of the matter is, we all get the blahs sometimes. No problem. They come and they go. You just can't be exciting, fun or inspiring all of the time. No one can.

So pick up, go on, get busy, live your life. The blahs will go away.

It's a beautiful day in God's world, be sure to see the good.


Anonymous said...

Some of the employees at work call me "Mr Bla". They tell me thats just a word play on my last name.
Some times I feel bla and sometimes I get called Mr. Bla.
I dont have any other point but that. Deep huh?
Mr Bla

Anonymous said...

well I tried to call you I left a message on your cell....:-)