Tuesday, February 17, 2009


We tend to be blind to our own faults and shortcomings. We can see the splinter in the other person's eye, but somehow miss the board in our own eye. We have lived with the board for so long that we don't even notice that it is there. We mount the white horse and pull our swords going out to slay evil and do justice in the name of the Lord, all the while we have a board hanging out of our eye.

One person suffers because they worry all the time about what they have done wrong. Even when no one else is offended, they worry themselves sick because they don't want to hurt someone else.

Another person plows through life like a bull in the china shop. They trample and crush anyone that gets in their way and seem to be deaf to the calls of pain from those whose body parts are left behind.

Do you have a board in your eye? We all do. Can you see yours? Are you at least aware enough of your own board that you wade carefully into the situations that life brings?

Each day we are gifted with the opportunity to care about others. Let's take care not to hurt the very ones that God has given us to love.

It's a beautiful day in God's world, be sure to see the good.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love you!!!