Saturday, August 18, 2012

truth, pt. 2

Truth Part Deux.  I mentioned yesterday that we like truth.  I need to readdress that.  I think we like truth when it is convenient, when it is what we like to hear.  I think we hate truth and ignore truth when we choose to.

We see the hypocrisy in the other candidate but refuse to acknowledge the very same practices in our candidate.  We easily identify the shortcomings of our spouse, but have a deaf ear to our own.  We like the part of Jesus that makes me feel saved, but we are not interested in the truth that asks us to live differently.

What is the truth about how I treat my spouse?  What is the truth about my standard of living?  What is the truth about my eating habits?  What is the truth about my level of generosity?

Living a Christan life means living a congruent life.  It means that we allow the Spirit to reach in and change us, even in, especially in the ways and places that make us uncomfortable.  It means that we finally come clean and are honest with God and with ourselves about who we are.

When we begin to live like this, it is a beautiful day in God's world.  Be sure to see the good.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing the "ouchie" because it's something we all need to be reminded of.

ligooshka said...

Very TRUE!
I am glad you clarified it.
Great blog!