Monday, April 3, 2023

Attic Floor

So I knew that there was this secret attic area above our garage that was inaccessible.  I took a risk and cut a hole in the ceiling.  Yes, there it was... wide open spaces for storage.  I have spent part of the last few weeks flooring the area with plywood scraps.  It is going to be a great space for storage.

If you need an attic floored, give me a shout out!!!

Moral of the story is below the pictures.

getting the floor down will help clean out the other
junk up there like this wad of insualtion.

working the floor gives me a chance to put in more
insulation as needed.

Oh how I love my tools!!!

Had some 1 x 12s so I made some shelves for paint.

looking good in the neighborhood!!!

Morals of this story.
  • Most things have a hidden goodness that we can discover is we take a risk.
  • Taking a risk opens the door to possibilities.
  • Scraps can be useful if saved.
  • Storing things up and away makes more room for pertinent needs.
  • The simple things of life can make us happy.

It's a beautiful day in God's world, be sure to see the good.

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