Friday, April 14, 2023

Go Ye Now in Peace

On Easter Sunday, at the close of service, the choir walked down to the front and did a postlude entitled, "Go ye now in peace."

Here are the words...

Go ye now in peace and know that the love of God will guide you.
Feel his presence here beside you, showing you the way.
In your time of trouble when hurt and despair are there to grieve you,
Know that the Lord will never leave you, He will bring you courage.
Know that the God who sent His Son to die that you might live,
Will never leave you lost and alone in His beloved world.
Go ye now in peace.
Go ye now in peace.
Go ye now in peace.

Oh, it was beautiful!!! And it took me back to a place in time. A time when many people from our church were going thru the Camino weekend experience. At the end of the retreat, Alice Luther would come to the front and lead the song, "Go ye now in peace." I can still hear the beautiful accapella tones echoing through the sanctuary.

Here is a video of a choir singing the song. Click on this link. I hope it blesses you.

What a beautiful picture, what a beautiful sound, what a beautiful message.

Go ye now in peace... the Lord will never leave you. Go ye now in peace.

It's a beautiful day in God's world, be sure to see the good.

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