Thursday, June 13, 2024

A note from Grayson Murray's parents

As you probably know, a professional golfer, Grayson Murray took his own life a few weeks ago.  He was 30 years young.  My friend Mike sent in this news article.  I thought the article was touching.  I also want to take a moment to reach out to anyone who is thinking of suicide... the pain that is left behind is enormous.  Please find it within your heart to know that you are loved...

Statement on behalf of Eric and Terry Murray [Grayson's parents]:

We have spent the last 24 hours trying to come to terms with the fact that our son is gone. It’s surreal that we not only have to admit it to ourselves, but that we also have to acknowledge it to the world. It’s a nightmare.

We have so many questions that have no answers.
But one.

Was Grayson loved? The answer is yes. By us, his brother Cameron, his sister Erica, all of his extended family, by his friends, by his fellow players and – it seems – by many of you who are reading this. He was loved and he will be missed.

We would like to thank the PGA TOUR and the entire world of golf for the outpouring of support. Life wasn’t always easy for Grayson, and although he took his own life, we know he rests peacefully now.

Please respect our privacy as we work through this incredible tragedy, and please honor Grayson by being kind to one another. If that becomes his legacy, we could ask for nothing else.
Thank you.

Jeff continues... please honor Grayson by being kind to one another.  Please honor Jesus by being kind to one another.  Please honor and value the gift of your life by being kind to everyone and by being kind to you your self.

It is a beautiful day in God's world, be sure to see the good.

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