Sunday, June 9, 2024

John Wesley speaks to those who disaffiliated...

So I have to tell you that I am very disappointed that the Princeton and Mercer MO Churches that I served from 1991-1994 both voted to disaffiliate. They have left the denomination. I don't blame the churches because this is a result of their pastoral leadership.

And so I ran across this quote from John Wesley that someone attached to those who have chosen to leave the denomination...

"I dislike your speaking of yourselves as though you were the only [ones] who know and taught the Gospel ...But what I most dislike is your littleness of love...your want [lack] of union...your want of meekness, gentleness, long suffering; your impatience of contradiction; your counting every [person] your enemy that reproves or admonishes you in love; your bigotry and narrowness of spirit, loving in a manner only those that love you...your censoriousness... of all who do not agree with you; in a word, your divisive spirit.” 
 ~ John Wesley
Letter to the perfectionists in London
November 2, 1762

Some day, love will win out.  Someday, people will stop disguising exclusion as love.

Until then, let us love each other.  Let us love one and all.  Let us show our love on every day, in every way, to everyone that we can.

It's a beautiful day in God's world, be sure to see the good.

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